
CADENAS Konstruktions-,
und Vertriebs GmbH

Schernecker Str. 5
86167 Augsburg, Germany
Fon +49 (0) 821 2 58 58 0-0
Fax +49 (0) 821 2 58 58 0-999

Chairman and CEO

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Jürgen Heimbach

Registry Court

Amtsgericht Augsburg

Register Number

HRB 12493

Value added tax identification number pursuant to § 27a UStG

DE 127 475 836

Design & technical realization

Schernecker Str. 5
86167 Augsburg, Germany

Legal Information

The following notice applies to CADENAS Websites & Apps. It does not apply to other Internet offers we refer to only by link.


Contents from CADENAS websites & Apps are of a general nature and serve only as information. Except for mandatory legal information, CADENAS can assume no liability for the constant updating, correctness, quality and completeness of the contents on these pages or for constant trouble-free access. Please note that the information provided cannot replace detailed individual consultation. We reserve the right to modify, update, add to or delete parts or all of our Internet offer, without prior notice, at our own discretion.


As a service provider in the sense of the German Digital Services Act, we are – in accordance with general laws- responsible for our own information which we provide for use in our Websites & Apps

Our own information contained in CADENAS Websites & Apps is to be distinguished from the information of other service providers referred to via hyperlinks. With hyperlinks, we are only providing access to external contents. CADENAS is basically not responsible for the contents of those linked pages, as we do not initiate the transmitting of the information, nor do we select the addressees of the transmitted information; neither have we selected or changed the transmitted information nor have we taken ownerhsip of those contents. The responsibility for such information is alone that of the service provider, who provides the information as his own. Information in such internet offerings can be changed at any time without our knowledge. Please let us know if we refer to any websites, the contents of which are grounds for objection.


© Copyright 1992–2025, CADENAS GmbH, Augsburg, Germany

All rights reserved. Texts, photos, graphics, sounds, animations and videos published on CADENAS Websites & Apps, as well as the layout thereof are protected by copyright and other protective law. Unless specified otherwise all trade marks on our Websites & Apps are protected by international copyright. The trade marks and logos used are intellectual property of CADENAS GmbH. Furthermore it should be noted, that the rights to pictures, graphics or other information may belong either in whole or in part to third parties. CADENAS shall also inform you of any third party rights that may exist, provided those rights are not clearly referred to already in the web offer.

We agree to the use of documents and graphics with picture credits in independent media, such as newspapers and magazines, as well as Internet pages created by the press and broadcasting.

Apart from that, the content of CADENAS Websites & Apps may not be copied, published, changed or made available to third parties for commercial purposes. Duplication, processing, distribution and/or the making available to the public of legally-protected contents requires - unless otherwise permitted by law – the prior written permission of the copyright holder. On request, this can be provided by CADENAS or those responsible for the content